your prayer has power!

We have seen many times, how strong the power of prayer and intercession is.

The prayer room was the first room of the Dresen Projekt that was finished and

was supposed to show, how powerfully everything arises out of prayer.


We love it, when the Holy Spirit leads our prayers and connects us with the heart of God.

The whole Dresen Projekt belongs to God and we want to steward it according to His will. 

We thank you for every support in prayer!


If you can see yourself committed as our prayer partner, then you are

very welcome to send us a message to

with the subject "Prayer Partner" and we will send you our specific prayer requests.



your donation makes a difference!

Specifically we are very thankful for any monthly donation pledge,

to cover the growing expenses of a fast growing ministry.  



But we are also just as thankful for any one-time donation, to support the urgently needed projects.

As of now we absolutely need more Rooms to accommodate students, visitors and employees.

  We also need a bigger room for seminars, because without it we often have to turn down participants.
Our previous equipment is also coming to its limits - we really want to make it possible for every visitor and lifestream watcher to get a good image and sound quality to be able to communicate important messages clearly. 


Donations in kind are also possible - our specific prayer request here is a vehicle with 8-9 seats,

as it would be a great relief for our growing team and the guests that we often have to transport. 


Donations may get transferred to our following bank account

 (please write your address as the payment purpose or send it to us in an email to get a donation receipt):


Dresen Projekt e.V.

IBAN: DE86 5176 2434 0023 4028 07



otherwise you can also give over Paypal following the button below:


Thank you so much for your faithful support

and thank you for continuing to walk

on this road of faith with us!

With your donation you specifically support evangelism and discipleship in Germany:

We as a team go to the people,

simultaneously offer a place that they can come to

and we prepare christians for the great harvest.


We are so thankful that God

has put this mission on your heart

und is using you through your support

to get souls into heaven!

So kannst du uns erreichen:

Benutze das Kontakt Formular unten oder sende eine Email an


Hier kannst du uns telefonisch, über WhatsApp oder Signal erreichen: +4915906430536

Du möchtest das Dresen Projekt finanziell unterstützen?

You want to financially support the Dresen Projekt?


Dresen Projekt e.V.

IBAN: DE86 5176 2434 0023 4028 07


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